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The Jesus Way - 4

Early in the first chapter of The Jesus Way, Peterson uses the following phrase in describing the book of Psalms - "a life lived attentively and responsibly before God." There are a lot of potential thoughts and themes in that phrase, but the one that jumps out to me first is that of intentionality. I'm not going to "drift" into leading the life to which God calls me. I must make intentional and informed choices - choices about my daily activities, choices about my spiritual disciplines, choices about where I am going to invest my time and resources, choices about the importance of others vs. the draw of my own ambitions and desires.

What would it look like for me to live my life "attentively" before God? Would my choices of input, of reading, of where I spend my "free time" look different (probably drastically different) than they do now? What is the ultimate cost of not being intentional about my daily life?


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